\"Imagine, that you have an urn filled with 100 balls, some red and some green...\". Find the web-page \href{https://tetraquark.netlify.app/post/redballgreenball/redballgreenball/index.html?src=pdf}{here.}
A dive into renewal processes. Find the web-page \href{https://tetraquark.netlify.app/post/renewalprocess/renewalprocess/index.html}{here.}
Gamma distribution appears as we add exponentially distributed random numbers. We show this using two different methods, including Laplace transforms. Find the web-page \href{https://tetraquark.netlify.app/post/gammadist/gammadist/index.html}{here.}
Exponential distribution is very special. Find the web-page \href{https://tetraquark.netlify.app/post/exponentialdist/exponentialdist/index.html}{here.}
We compute the probability density of the absolute difference of two linearly distributed random numbers.
Assume you have two data sets from two independent runs. In each run you have an evaluation group to be compared against the baseline. You can compute the confidence interval for the difference in each data set, however, there may be reasons you do …
Checking if a number contains a certain pattern.