Pandemic, home-schooling, and dragons: 2021 Edition

M., posing in front of the stack of 324 books she read in 2021.

This is an update on a post from exactly one year ago: Pandemic, home-schooling, and dragons. When the pandemic hit the US in early 2020, we decided that it would be the best to home-school our then-6-year old. She started reading on her own in the last months of 2020, and since then she has been reading several hours every day. The image shows her in front of a stack of books. On the left are the 140 books we purchased, mostly in 2021. Some of them from 2020: she likes reading certain books all over again. On the right are the 184 books representing what we checked out from our public library. Since they have been returned to the library, and we used some other books in the stack. Dragon-themed books are still her favorite. She has also ventured into Wizard of Oz books. I will provide the complete and downloadable list below for those who are interested.

Below is the complete list. Note that you can search, reorder, and filter the table.

Table 1: The complete list of books.

I was also curious about the authors. Below is a summary table.

Table 2: Summary by the author.

The table is dominated by J-fiction authors, and books on dragons. All that is accompanied by cat-themed books by Erin Hunter. My daughter loves cats, and we have one in our family. Overall she read from 100+ different writers, which is no easy feat in a single year. As of early 2022, she is back to school. She won’t have that much time to read as many books as she did in 2021, but having friends is equally important! I will post an update on January 5, 2023.
