Recoloring pixels with Python

I try to match the background color of my plots with the background color of the blog body. However, I sometimes need to borrow images from external sources, and they typically have white background. I don’t like the look of such images, see an example below.
An image I borrowed from a Seagate presentation by John Bent. It has white background, which doesn't blend in with my blog's background.

Figure 1: An image I borrowed from a Seagate presentation by John Bent. It has white background, which doesn’t blend in with my blog’s background.

So, I ended up writing a quick Python code to change the background color, which can be copied below or can be cloned from my repository.

  # Replacing a target color in an image with another one
  # 09/30/2021,
  from PIL import Image
  import math
  imgName=   'C:/Users/451516/Documents/github/tetraquark_c_tester/content/post/energyflow/spr.png'
  img =
  pixels = img.load()
  targetColor=[255,255,255]   # the original color
  replacementColor=(245,244,241)    # replacement color
  offsetSquared=100  # this is the sum of the squares of RGB values. Set this to 0 if you want the exact RGB value
  for i in range(img.size[0]):
      for j in range(img.size[1]):
          if (pixels[i, j][0]-targetColor[0])**2 +(pixels[i, j][1]-targetColor[1])**2 +(pixels[i, j][2]-targetColor[1])**2 < offsetSquared:
           pixels[i, j] = replacementColor
  imgNameS=imgName.split(".")[0]+"_recolored."+imgNameS[1] )
Once the code is run, it changes the selected color.
The same image with the white background changed to (245,244,241).

Figure 2: The same image with the white background changed to (245,244,241).

If you have many such images, I have another version of the script that loops through the images in a selected folder. Find it in my repository.
